Lens-Artists PC & Day 22: Street creativity

I love street art in all its forms. This post is for Leya who says “creativity” for Lens-Artists photo challenge, for Rome’s 2772th birthday which was yesterday (and you thought you were old!) and for the most impressive art piece that I have seen last year.

Challenge 22: “I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that engages with another art form.”

Rome haibun

Rome is dog walks and dog parks that make bestia seem like Luka Dončić in the NBA. Rome is loud and dirty and falling in and falling apart. Rome is history and history and history and just a little bit of present. Rome is discoveries and trash and rats and bees and boar and exploding buses. Rome doesn’t read but watches. Rome is full of people who want you to pay. Rome is everything growing and cats in cemeteries. Rome is beautiful where it’s ugly and ugly where it’s beautiful. Rome is orange sunsets and green fountains. Rome is blue sky and brown trees. Rome is brown eyes full of blue soul.

These lucky walls grew
hundreds of new ways to see.
Almost my dog’s eyes.

My Dog Sighs for Forgotten Project, Via Morosoni, Trastevere, Rome. March 2018.

Here is some more Rome street art with my thoughts. It is often on the borderline between the options in the featured question. I like that.

For Lens-Artists Photo Challenge, hosted by Leya of To See A World in a Grain of Sand…: Creativity

and for Day 22 of NaPoWriMo



  1. You are a very creative person yourself, Manja, and you are so good at letting us in on different kinds of artwork. Love your graffiti gallery as well, and your poetry – but the eyes are so special, they make you stop and just look. For long. Almost real.

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    1. Thank you so much, Leya! ❤ I felt so too. I could spend more time there with the eyes, was only there one time for the shortest while. Luckily it was perfect weather. Today it was raining in Rome, for example.


  2. Those eyes are amazing! but I love them all. We have birds all over the place on walls, doors, store gates because James Audubon is buried in the cemetery here. I love to see new ones popping up. (K)

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  3. The initial photo plus the graffiti of the eyes, which I loved the first time you published a photo of it, were my favorites, but all were fun. Thanks for taking us along on your strolls, Manja. xo

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  4. This post is PACKED. Love the Dog Sighs project. Do you have any insight into what the reflection in the eye is? It seems like the same eye over and over. I think the conversation about art vs. vandalism is wonderful!! So glad you spotted that. I also love the Papal superhero, and clown Mick Jagger. THere is so much here. Thank you.

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