Friendly Friday sunrise

Some challenges are easier to provide for than others. For me, a sunrise is a bit of a challenge as such.

When I search for my photographic material on a theme, I often browse my archives randomly or search for a specific shoot. Today was different and I knew it will be tough when I saw that Amanda called sunrise as her Friendly Friday theme.

My archives are organised by days and when I started to browse back to see on which days I was using my camera before 8 am, I had to continue searching all the way till March 22nd to find a few photos taken in five minutes between 6.10 and 6.15 am.

Technically it’s a moonset rather than a sunrise but it will have to qualify. I’m a sunset and west person, rather than sunrise and east. I’m grateful to the sun for keeping rising, though, that’s for sure. And I apologise to it for showing the moon in a sunrise post.

What else? I’m grateful for these days spent with family and friends. I’m grateful for the fact that today the dentist didn’t pull out a tooth as feared. I’m grateful for the great tour of Prekmurje (see yesterday’s Thursday Doors). I’m grateful for wonderful day yesterday at Lake Bled with a swim and the concert of Larkin Poe of all people to top it off. And it’s not the end.

Next Friday Snow Melts Somewhere should be back in her hosting saddle. I wish you all a great Friendly Friday and beyond!

For Friendly Friday Photo Challenge hosted by Amanda from Something to Ponder About

Friendly Friday


    1. Thank you, Amanda. 😀 West persons have all the fun. But east persons start having it earlier. 😉 The sunset passed without much notice but the concert had already started by then. I bet on the sunrise. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

      1. It is all about Westies in the West! I never thought about being an Easterner, bur I guess as Australians, we are like the ugly duckling – the one that sticks out in the ‘far east’ -lol.

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  1. I’ve always wanted to live in a house with a circular staircase. The photo with the “two moons” is very romantic and I think it would be splendid to stand on those stairs and watch the sun rise and the moon set simultaneously. What a perfectly balanced life it would be.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ahh, thank you, Susanne. You can make everything sound perfectly balanced. Whereas in fact those staircases are tricky, our bestia refuses to climb ours, we’ve had wasps nest in its railings and sting our guests only for passing, and ours is full of residue paint that wouldn’t wash out after amore painted the facade himself. I suppose the visual appeal and roof access balance all this out.

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  2. Regards from another sunset person! Sunrise would be way too great challenge for me :)) The only sunrises I witnessed were in Rovinj, after a night of dancing, when you stumble your way home, buy some strudel and a yogurt in a bakery, and eat it by the water… Just to go home and sleep after :))

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely sunrise!
    Sunset person here too… Sunrises are at 5:27 and that’s not too bad its August after all. I honestly can’t see myself out at that time 🙂
    Looking forward for what everyone comes up with though.

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