Thursday Doors, 24/1/19: Tatti, 1

Today I remembered a lovely day from last May and realised that I have not showed you a single door from the Village of 100 Doors. Its name is Tatti.

While in his today’s Thursday Doors post Norm remembers our first afternoon spent together last autumn here in Italy with plenty of great door photos, I thought of a day shortly after my birthday in May when I took my parents to Tatti.

Before I saw a lovely post by Donna at The Maremma Guide in which she calls it the Village of 100 Doors, I had never heard of this town, which is not so hard, considering how many little towns there are around here. I gladly flicked it to my list of places to go and when my parents came over for my birthday, I took them on a door-spotting tour: first Tatti, then Massa Marittima (which is where Donna lives but we didn’t meet). No wonder they haven’t been back since. 😀

The day was lovely, we had a nice stroll, a couple of dogs that ran out of an open door scared mother but all ended fine, even though I forgot to count doors and just clicked at them instead. Today I show you just the first 20 or so. There will be more. I’ll count them when I’m through.

I can’t believe I haven’t posted any of the doors from here yet, since May! You can imagine the competition.

I wish to thank Donna for the idea, wish her happy painting and tell her that I think of her as a future friend. We just need to get together. And we shall.

And now let me invite you on a doorscursion with me. If you wish to learn another word from our doorcabulary and see more glorious Italian doors, you need to read Norm’s fun post. And then make your own door post and add it to his list by clicking on the blue frog, the door gatherer.

The photos are in the order in which I took them, in mere 12 minutes. I shan’t talk much under them, let’s just look at the doors. And now let’s go, father is ready.

For Norm Frampton’s Thursday Doors challenge.


  1. The doors with the curtains on the glass panes….I expect to open those doors to an exquisite little restaurant with linen tablecloths……did you peek inside? Gorgeous doors, all of them.

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      1. I know what you mean. I had my husband slow down so I could take a photo (from the car) of this cute little house. Well, their dogs started barking and I saw someone peek from behind the blinds…..we took off very quickly. Blending in is nice….. You have such great photos, Manja.

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  2. Lovely photos Manja. What a beautiful town this is. Fabulous. I know my parents would love wandering around there!
    I am going to have to do a door post soon, just for you. I keep seeing them as I go through my images.
    Thanks for sharing, looking forward to the next batch.

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    1. Yeahh, Gavin! I was wondering and was almost certain that you must have plenty of door photos too. You can still post them for this week’s Thursday Doors, Norm keeps gathering the links until Sunday noon. And thanks! I think almost everybody would enjoy a stroll in such a town. It’s marvellous.

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    1. Thanks, SMSW. If you look closely, there is a brown door with lots of holes in the middle of the gallery, and mom’s shirt is reflected on its surface. 😀 And yes, Italy is sunny most of the time. Which makes it HOT.

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    1. Thank you, FF, and welcome to my blog! You do that, it’s a great town. But there are hundreds just like it here in Tuscany. 😉 And it’s not just a figure of speech! My to-go list is neverending and growing all the time.

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      1. Which would be your current top 3 (if it’s even possible to narrow them down to only 3)? I (Marla) don’t drive and am looking for places that can be accessed by train/bus.

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      2. Ahh, not having a car is a real disadvantage in Tuscany. It’s the only way we go around. The bigger towns are quite well connected with trains and busses (even though Italy and schedules don’t really go together well), but it’s the pretty smaller ones, each up on its hill, that are hard to visit otherwise. The train station can be several km from the town. That much more planning is required. Here is a post I did on a previous blog with my top 10 places around here (if you don’t count Rome, Florence and Siena which win without a fight). If I did it again I’d replace Tivoli (where I was only once, briefly) with splendid Massa Marittima:

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      3. I don’t drive so unfortunately I don’t have a car as an option. But thank you so much for sharing the link to your favourites. I’ll be sure to check it out and add them to my ever-growing list.. while hoping some are accessible by train/bus. Cheers!

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