Friendly Friday Enlightenment

In Slovenian we have very similar words for Enlightenment and illumination (razsvetljenstvo vs. razsvetljava). Let’s play with that. And there are some women to celebrate too. And the towel.

Since Amanda calls for more light for her and Snow’s Friendly Friday photo challenge, here is a collection of enlightened scenes from my birthtown Ljubljana in Slovenia.

We start around Christmas, when Ljubljana goes a little light-happy. Just a tad too much, if you ask me. There is more, including a surprising snake appearance. At a concert.

Let’s let the light in.

Next, some things go together better than others. Have a look at these four women (all apologies for borrowing their photos off the line):

Jelena Isak Kres
Andreja Inkret
Špela Kasal
Nina Voda

They are (in a brief and simplified version): translator of The Iliad into Slovenian and poet; another classical scholar and professor with the doctorate from Oxford; fine art and fashion photographer living in Paris; and free spirit, beyond-rock-star, world traveller, dog lover and simply Nina.

What do they have in common apart from being Slovenian? They are all illuminating and enlightened in their own ways, we spent some time together (the least with Nina, but my Nina has) in Greece, Hudi Log, Cres, Vienna…, I haven’t seen them for a while now (and barely recognised one of them in the photo), and finally – they all celebrate their birthdays today. Stars are funny in this way sometimes. Congratulations!

And finally, today is also Towel Day. I shall never forget the lightness that came with reading The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Long live and rest, Douglas Adams. I’m not sure if the friendly Don’t Panic inscription, which could be seen from space, is still there near Vitanje in my country but it was in 2015.

Vitanje, Slovenia, 2015. Photo: Rok Deželak

For Friendly Friday Photo Challenge hosted by Amanda from Something to Ponder About

Friendly Friday


    1. Thank you, Amanda. This was an actual live snake. I saw a man bring it around his neck and then he was giving it around and people took photos with it and the poor rapper was completely out of the limelight for some time. I was too stunned to take a better photo. The concert was open-air with obviously minimum security.


    1. Thank you, Lois, I’m glad that you’re entertained. 🙂 And I didn’t even mention that today was also the Youth Day back in Yugoslavia and we celebrated the birthday of our beloved Marshall Tito. 😀

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