Prost, father!

Today celebrates my father who has never said “You write strange poems, daughter,” as the father in the song that follows. Instead, you gift me books with my own poetry, take me places, cook, eat, win, hike and enjoy life, as you should.

First, one song in three fully diverse versions, just because its title is My father, even though he is nothing like you. In the song, his son is devastated on the inside because this father cannot understand that the world moves forward, whereas you not only don’t complain over what I do but are a fan. For my second birthday in a row, which comes just after the National Poetry Writing Month, you gathered all my 30+1 poems written in April in a neat book, for which I’m eternally grateful. Now the internet may die. (Well… almost.)

The song was written in 1979 by Slovenian singer/songwriter Andrej Šifrer and was included on one of the first cassettes that I listened to non-stop and knew inside out. Here is a live version.

The next version is by punk band Racija. Beware. 😀

And finally, in a twist of coincidence, now, 40 years after the original, the song got covered by Musical Youth, a band that scored a big hit with Pass the Dutchie back in the days. Something tells me you’ll like this version the most.

And now have a look what we have been up to together since your last birthday in twenty photos, two of them by you:

Und zum Schluss, so eine ungramatische Sache dass du hat nicht expectiert (ich kann mich nicht das korrekte Verb errinern… “vorschaut?”). Warum sollst nur du Englisch sprechen und lesen, weil du hat es nie im Schule gelernt? So probiere ich mal mit mein Deutsch (ohne Google translate). Du hast geleben und geartbeitet in Wien fuer vielen Jahre und ich hat dich dort besuchen viel und gern. Aber auch frueher hab ich Radio Ö3 nachgehoert und ich errinere mich (mir?) um diese Schlager aus die andere Steiermark.

Prost, Papi, babbo, dad and oči Branko!

And for the very end, a collection of all the birthday posts on my three previous blogs, just in case, to have another look before the internet dies. 😉


      1. Nein Manja, ich habe nicht ueber dein deutsch gelacht! You did a great job from memory! I often have to look up German words because my German is somewhat rusty. I hope you had a wonderful celebration with your family!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. What a wonder-wonder-wonderful Birthday-Post. Papas are the best. I thought the same with mine. I wish your father all the best for his birthday, I wish both of you many wonderful moments together. What a wonderful person he must be to just let you grow in your own way. Thanks for sharing your story!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh, thank you so much, Sandra for saying this and getting this feeling from my post. 🙂 Welcome to my blog, I share my story in many aspects all the time. He and I are in different countries right now but it will change soon. 🙂


    1. Thank you, Amanda. 🙂 I remember vividly going to a slide show from a trip to New Zealand where they told us that over there they have the Alps as well! 😮 This castle is in a bit of disrepair apart from this restaurant which is warmly recommended.


    1. Hihihi. Ich weiss nicht ob man das Deutsch sprechen heissen kann. But thank you, Bojana, I never wrote much in German (2 years of German in high school were so hard), only spoke some when in Wien. And thank you for the corrections. Expectiert should be allowed. 😀

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