First Friendly Friday PC

Here it is, the first Friendly Friday Photo Challenge, hosted by my blogging buddies SMSW and Amanda.

The Snow that (luckily) Melts Somewhere (else), who has been my first and best friend in the blogging word, who shows and describes things as they are, who always has nice words for what I do, and who actually READ my posts back when really nobody did and I was impressed that somebody would do that of her own free will, is hosting the first week and has come up with this pretty logo for the challenge, whereas Amanda from Something to Ponder About will take over next Friday.

For the first week SMSW has chosen the theme of “inspiration”. I don’t often wonder about it because everything I do blogging-wise inspires me or I wouldn’t be doing it. In the last five years blogging has become like breathing to me, and it’s in doing this that I get my oxygen – obviously, or I’d quit a long time ago.

There are moments when I feel down as such and I can’t be spurred into action for the life of me, but this year I’ve posted every day, since my new coral-coloured blog is inspiring in itself.

Here’s to a bright future of your coral-logo challenge, SMSW! It was you who told me that this year the coral colour is all the rage and right now I even adjusted the background colour of my blog a little to blend better with your logo. 😉

I know that you won’t mind if my first contribution to your challenge is a bit cheeky. He might not be all that friendly but nothing if not inspiring. 😀

I spotted him as I was waiting for the bus at the bus stop near my parents’ house where I grew up. First I thought he was posing for me but then I realised he was just being his Friday self. Happy Friday!

If you want to post an inspiring photo for this challenge, please do so, link to the original post and leave the link to your post in the comments over there. Thank you.

Long live Friendly Friday Photo Challenge!

For Friendly Friday Photo Challenge hosted by The Snow Melts Somewhere


  1. I think he’s having second thoughts about wearing that shirt in public. He looks pretty uncomfortable in his own skin. Happy Friday to you Manja. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Thanks for bringing us this new challenge. I’m going to check out Amanda’s blog.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thank you, Carol! 🙂 Interesting, I didn’t think his expression is connected with what he is wearing. My thought was that he forgot what his shirt was saying, even though he had put it on to put himself in a better mood but obviously it didn’t work. 😀 😀 This week The Snow Melts Somewhere is hosting this challenge, Amanda is hosting next week, they will exchange in this way. But by all means, check out Amanda’s blog. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hahahah !! This one gained well-deserved out-loud-chuckles!!! (I need to get that shirt! Or maybe a nicer version!) Great choice!!!
    Thanks dear Manja for the kind words, you are a very big part of my inspiration for blogging and one of the reasons I’ve stuck with it!! It’s like being penpals but with pictures! 🤣 Or a seesaw with two dogs – you know what I mean! 😊💕 Your posts are always a joy to read!!!
    Happy Friday and be nice! 😋
    Ps. It snowed here, again!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you! ❤ I wanted to post this series on a Friday for a while now but didn't connect it to your challenge until I read your post. I find him very inspiring. 😀 He is like a character in a book one needs to write. Yes, the seesaw!! And we are both nice on it, not like those mean boys who jumped off their end so that you ended up on your ass!!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. “Where is that guy who promised me € 100 if I’m standing for an hour with an umbrella on this bus station, wearing too short pants and a strange shirt. What exactly does this inscription mean?”

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Haha, Manja. Great photos! Thanks for the laugh this friday, oops now, Saturday morning down under! And so appropriate for the theme. It is so lovely of you to join in and include my blog reference in your post. Thanks so much. You are a big supporter of my previous challenge, so I am so looking forward to seeing what you come up with next. This is an awesome start!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hihihh, Norm, I find it hard to picture you in it, even though I believe that you’d wear it. And then if I saw you in it without knowing you, I’d form a fully different opinion of you. 😀


      1. Me too!! I wonder about that often when I do a bit of street photography myself – would they like it or feel embarrassed?
        That´s why I try to take only profile shots and such from strangers. More privacy that way. 🙂

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  5. ha! It’s the umbrella that looks so out of place with the rest of him. The way he’s dressed and his entire body language suggests he’s too cool to worry about getting wet. An interesting photo, Manja! Great catch!

    Liked by 1 person

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